
(Shri Mataji tells us the meaning of Shri Adi Shankaracharya’s Shloka ‘PRATARNAMAMI…’)
Shri MATAJI:- That’s a very.. good read stanza, if you can remember by heart, I’ll say it again.
Pratarnamami hridisansphurad-atma-tattvam | Sat-chit-sukham Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam.
Second part of it- Yat-svapna-jagar-sushuptamavaiti nityam | Tat-brahma nishkalam-aham na cha bhutasanghah.
The second part is…So the first part as I told you, is the spirit which we must bow to, which is the sat-chit-ananda, the one which gives you truth, the enlightened attention and the joy and which takes you beyond.. the fourth dimension.
Yat-svapna-jagar-sushuptamavaiti nityam- which is awake under the three conditions of our consciousness. There are three conditions of our state, of our consciousness. The first is the sleeping condition when we are sleeping. Another is the awakened and sushupti is beyond, beyond the sleep. In all these states- consciousness, it is awake. That Brahma, that All-pervading Power, I am that All-pervading Power, that Brahma; not the combination of five elements. I’m not just the combination of five elements, Bhutasangha. But I’m that All-pervading, that Atma which connects you to that All-pervading Power, and I’m not just this reflector which is the combination of five elements.
Just when you think like that early in the morning, you just rise above and then you do not start with mundane ideas about life, but you start your ideas and understanding, your behaviour, your whole life style, starts from that angle that, “I’m that; I’m not this.” And the whole pattern changes. That doesn’t mean you should be serious; that doesn’t mean that. You are in joy, but the style of our existence has a very different pattern and a different hue and a different color, which is very easy for Sahaja Yogis, not difficult, because you are already there. Only thing, you must feel your atmosphere around you, where are you. – ( Los Angeles 28/5/1985)
*श्री माताजी* – Audio link: Shri Mataji telling the meaning (in Hindi) of a Sanskrit Shloka composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya
प्रातर्नमामि हृदि संस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वं 
सच्चित्सुखं परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् । 
यत्स्वप्नजागरसुषुप्तमवैति नित्यं 
तद्ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं न च भूतसंघः ॥
अर्थ कळला का?
*प्रातर्नमामि– मैं सबेरे उठकर के नमस्कार करता हूँ.
*हृदिसंस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वम्– हृदय में स्फुरण पानेवाले उस तत्त्व को. कौन सा तत्त्व है?… *Divine Love.* उस तत्त्व को मैं याद करता हूँ, उसको मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ.
(प्रातर्नमामि हृदि संस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वं)
*सच्चित्सुखं– सत् चित् सुखं- जो सत्य है, चित् है और सुख है.
*परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् – तुरीया दशा उसे कहते है जिसमें आप आ गये. पार होने का मतलब है तुरीया. आप उस दशा में आ गये हैं, परमहंसगति की दशा में आ गये.
*परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् – उस दशा का, उस अवस्था का मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ. अभी तो जो आये नहीं वो कहाँ रहें लेकिन आप आ चुके हैं.
(प्रातर्नमामि हृदि संस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वं 
सच्चित्सुखं परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् ।)
*यत्स्वप्नजागर – जो स्वप्न, जागर- स्वप्न में, जागृतावस्था में, *सुषुप्तिमवैति नित्यं* – सुषुप्ति अवस्था में… सबमें नित्य रहता है. चाहे आप जागते रहें, चाहे आप सोते रहें, चाहे आप subconscious में रहें, सुषुप्ति माने subconscious, और उससे भी unconscious में रहें जहाँ वो नित्य रहता है.
(यत्स्वप्नजागरसुषुप्तमवैति नित्यं)
*तद्ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं – वो अलेपा, वो निर्लेप ब्रम्ह मैं हूँ.
*न च भूतसंघः – मैं ये जो भूतसंघ है… भूतसंघ माने पाँच तत्त्वों से बना हुआ ये शरीर, मन, बुद्धी जो है वो मैं नहीं हूँ. लेकिन वो ब्रम्ह है जो नित्य, अविनाशी, हमेशा, हर स्थिती में रहता है.
इस श्लोक को याद कर लेना चाहिये.
(प्रातर्नमामि हृदि संस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वं 
सच्चित्सुखं परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् । 
यत्स्वप्नजागरसुषुप्तमवैति नित्यं 
तद्ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं न च भूतसंघः ॥)
*ये हम लोगों के लिये, जो Realized हो गये हैं, उनके लिये बहोत बडा मंत्र है. कि हम वो हैं जो निर्लेप, निरंजन, निराकार ब्रम्ह है. हम ये जो भूतसंघ है, जो पंचमहाभूत मिलकर के उनके संघात से बना हुआ जो बाहर का ढकोसला है वो नहीं हैं. जो अविनाशी … अंदर विराजता है, वही हम हैं. ये तभी होगा जब हमारा चित्त उसमें बैठेगा. चित्त तो वहाँ बैठ गया, बिल्कुल बैठ गया है, किंतु वह चित्त अभी भी बाहर की ओर दृष्टी किये हुआ है. उसे जैसे ही आप अंदर की ओर दृष्टी कर लेंगे, आप परमहंसगति के दशा में बैठे हुए हैं. उस गद्दी पर हैं, आपको बिठा दिया है उस गद्दी पर… के आप परमहंस है. लेकिन परमहंस को अपने जो किचड से लदे हुए पैर हैं, उन्हें साफ करके और अपने आसन पे उस इज्जत के साथ बैठ जाना चाहिये जैसे कि कोई राजा अभिषेक के बाद बैठ जाता है.*
(p.s. – This shloka is composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya)
English Translation of Shri Mataji’s Hindi speech above-
Shri Mataji :–
Pratar-namami hridi sansphurad-atma-tattvam
Sat-chit-sukham Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam
Yat-svapna-jagar-sushuptamavaiti nityam
Tat-brahma nishkalam-aham na cha bhutasanghah
Do you know the meaning?
*Pratarnamami*- Early in the morning I bow to … *hridi sansphurad-atma-tattvam*- the principle which is pulsating, shining in the heart. What is that Tattva?… *Divine Love.* I remember that Tattva and I bow to it.
(Pratar-namami hridi sansphurad-atma-tattvam)
*Sat-Chit-Sukham*- Which is the truth, enlightened attention and the Joy.
*Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam* – Turiya state is the state into which you have entered. Self-realization means Turiya state.  You have come into that state, the state of Paramhamsa-gati.
*Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam*- I bow to ‘that’ state. The people who are not yet Realized, are not there but you are in that state.
(Pratar-namami hridi sansphurad-atma-tattvam
  Sat-chit-sukham Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam.)
*Yatsvapna-jagar* – In sleep, in awakened state, *sushuptamavaiti nityam* – and in Sushupti state … It is ever existing, awake. Whether you are awake, whether you are in sleep or in subconcious, Sushupti means subconcious, and even in unconcious as well, IT always exists within you.
(Yat-svapna-jagar-sushuptamavaiti nityam)
*Tat-brahma nishkalam-aham* – That unattached, untouched Brahma I am.
*na cha bhutasanghah* – I am not this bhutasangha. Bhutasangha means the combination of five elements- the body, mind, intellect etc. I am not just that combination. But I’m that Bramha which is eternal, indistructible, ever existing in every state. 
We should remember this Shloka.
(Pratar-namami hridi sansphurad-atma-tattvam
 Sat-chit-sukham Paramhamsa-gatim turiyam
 Yat-svapna-jagar-sushuptamavaiti nityam
 Tat-brahma nishkalam-aham na cha bhutasanghah)
*This is a very very great mantra for us who are Realized souls… that we are unattached, unstained, formless Bramha. We are not just this bhutasangha, this illusive outer part, combination of five elements. But we are that which is indestructible, shining within us. And it will be known to us when our attention gets settled on it. Attention is settled there, absolutely! But still it tends to look at outside. And the moment you turn it inside… you are already in the state of Paramahamsagati. You have been brought to that higher state… you are paramhamsa. …But still the mire sticked on its feet… have to clean them and knowing the dignity, the respect of that state you should assume it a king sits on the throne after his coronation.

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